Master-class by Inozemtsev
May 7 13.00-17.00 – Intensive master class of the plastic theater of Vyacheslav Inozemtsev "DANCES OF ANIMALS" May 7 (Saturday) 13.00-17.00 DANCES OF ANIMALS – Intensive – Master class by Vyacheslav Inozemtsev!Studio of the Plastic Theater "InZhest" (Kazintsa St., 87)Exclusive method DANCES OF ANIMALS:– Psychophysical training of the actor – Butoh dance – ...
Studio at Theater InZhest invites
Studio at the plastic theater "Ingest" Vyacheslav Inozemtsev announces the traditional annual recruitment! We are waiting for everyone on November 1 at 19.00 at Minsk, st. Lander 6a (House of Culture "Integral") In the training program: - psychophysical training of a plastic actor ...
"Tree at" — photos
Basis and impetus for the setting "YOKI," was given the so-called "Making room" Theater. The space, which has history, a unique terrain, rhythm, energy, atmosphere prodiktovyvaet figurative-associative array of dramatic line, performance, plasticity and psihofiziku actor's existence, the musical solution ....
Since 1995, the theatre actors ' Gesture "develop original training system" Dancing Animals ". This is a universal method of plastic and the mind-body training of the actor, as well as the method of creating artistic image and work on the role, but by and large it. ...
"After" pictures of performances
…The inextricable link of video, music and plastic action-the main feature.AFTER "performance" INGEST "a new generation of ... For more information on the show can be found here
Breaking News !
Studio InJest-2022 invites
Studio at the Plastic Theater "InZhest" vyacheslav Inozemtsev announces the traditional annual set for 2022-2023! We are waiting for everyone to the organizational meeting on October 3 at 19.00 at the address - Minsk, Kazintsa Street, 87 In the training program: - psychophysical training of the plastic actor "Dances of the Beasts" (original methodology from...
More ...
Intensive workshop with Inozemcev
June 11 13.00 – 17.00 DANCING ANIMALS – Intensive – Master class of Vyacheslav Inozemtsev ! Studio of the Plastic Theater "InZhest" (Kazintsa str., 87) Pre-registration by phone - 375293940803, 375297663023 And by e-mail - Write, call - register! The number of places is limited! The cost is 60 BYN ...
Recruitment to the studio at the Theater "InZhest"!
The studio at the plastic theater "InZhest" Vyacheslav Inozemtsev announces the traditional annual enrollment for 2021-2022!We are waiting for everyone to the organizational meeting on November 1 at 19.00 at the address - Minsk, Kazintsa Street, 87B training program:- psychophysical training of a plastic actor "Dances of Animals" (original technique from Vyacheslav Inozemtsev) - BUTOH dance ...
PlaStforma-2021 – TO THE BOTTOM OF BIRTH – August 31
August 31 at 20.00 in the Minsk Palace of Culture of Railway Workers Plastic Theater "InZhest" continues to celebrate its 40th anniversary with the performance "X-Tradition - To the Bottom of Birth" Author, director and actor of the main role - Vyacheslav Inozemtsev Actors - Dmitry Skachkov, Victoria Luksha, Natalia Shleiko, Oksana Cherepan, Olga Arnold, Nina Zorko,...
Theatre InJest - 40 years! By the Bottom of Birth May 27
May 27 at 8 p.m. in Minsk Palace of Railway Workers' Culture (Street). Chkalova, 7) InJest Plastic Theatre continues to celebrate its 40th anniversary with the performance "X-Tradition - TO DNU BIRTH" Tickets on 25 BYN - At the box office of the DSK - t. q375 17 375-61-69 Pre-order by phone q375297663023
By the Bottom of Birth - April 27
On April 27, at 8 p.m. in the Minsk Palace of Culture of Railway Workers Plastic Theatre "InJest" will celebrate its 40th anniversary with a performance of "X-Tradition - TO DNU BORN" Author, director and actor of the title role - Vyacheslav Inozemtsev Tickets on 25 BYN - At the box office of the DKJ - t.
Studio at the Theatre InJest-2020 invites
Studio at the Plastic Theater "InZhest" Vyacheslav Inozemtsev announces the traditional annual enrollment for 2020-2021!We are waiting for everyone to attend the organizational meeting on October 1 at 19.00 at the address: -Minsk, Kazintsa Street, 87 In the training program:- psychophysical training of a plastic actor "Dances of Animals" (original methodology from Vyacheslav Inozemtsev) - dance ...
X-Tradition – “K Dnu Rozhdenija”, 21 of April
On April 21, the Physical Theater “InZhest” showed an improvisation performance of “X-Tradition” in the Minsk Palace of Railway Workers, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the leader of the theater – Vyacheslav Inozemcev.Usually we do not give specific names to our improvisation perfomances – “X-Traditions”. But, in this case –…
Back in the New Year!
The Insest Plastic Theatre in the Botanical Gardens On December 25 at 6 p.m. - the playground at the greenhouse "Back to the New Year!" evening matinee for brave children and not very serious adults Entrance to the landscape area of the Botanical Garden paid Help by phone: 375 17 292 69 15...
Recruitment to the studio at the Theater InZhest 2019-2020
Vyacheslav Inozemtsev's studio at the Injet Plastic Theatre announces the traditional annual set for 2019-2020! We are waiting for all comers for the organizational meeting on October 31 at 19.00 at Minsk, Kazinza Street, 87 In the training program: - psychophysical training of plastic actor "Dancing Beasts" (original technique from Vyacheslav...
TRASH POEM for Festival FETA in Gdansk
The Physical Theater InZhest (Minsk, Belarus) – open air performances for FETA-2019 13-14 of July – XXIII International Street & Open-Air Theatres Festival FETA Gdansk. Poland, 14 of July 20.30, Targ Weglowy “TRASH POEM” «The dream of the garbage gives birth to monsters». The…
GOLDEN AGE FETA-2019 in Gdansk
The Physical Theater InZhest (Minsk, Belarus) – open air performances for FETA-2019 13-14 of July – XXIII International Street & Open-Air Theatres Festival FETA Gdansk. Poland, 13 of July, 21.30, Park Sw. Barbary “GOLDEN AGE or Triumph “Deus ex Machina” (Open air Pantomime in the…
ALIENS for Festival Zawirowania in Warsaw
XV International Dance Theaters Festival ZAWIROWANIA in Warsaw The Physical Theater “InZhest (Minsk, Belarus) Open air happening “ALIENS” May 26 14.00 and 17.00 On “Bulwary Wislany” and “Rynek Novego Miasta” “ALIENS” The street performance-happening Performance-procession among the urban crowd of Guests from another world –…
Forum "PlaStforma-2019"
Program of VII Open Forum of Exprerimental Physical Theatres of Belarus PlaStforma-2019 13-17 of February Minsk, Belarus
GENESIS # or the origin of species 5-6 December
"Genesis # or the origin of species" 18 show plastic Theatre InZhestData: 5 and 6:20.00 dekabrjaVremja place: Ok16 (octyabrskaya str., 16 k27) that it's plastic play InZhest Theater on stage does not sound words, Yes and the scene as takovajaotsutstvuet-all What is happening is expressed by the movement of bodies.
GENESIS-the second premiere in Ok16
30 and 31 October in Ok16 PREMIERE Plastic Theatre «InZhest» (Minsk, Belarus) "Genesis # or the origin of species" 18 plastic spectacle Theatre "InZhest" no words explain what is happening on the stage, and the scene of one-all What is happening is expressed by the movement of the bodies of the actors, objects, filling space, and light-and-sound ...
GENESIS# – open air version on the Day without Auto in Minsk
On September 22, 19.45, on the cross of Lenin and Karl Marx streets during traditional Car-free Day in Minsk, the Physical Theater InZhest will show street performance based on its speсtaсle “GENESIS # or Origin of Species” The premiere of the performance took place…
GENESIS # or the origin of species-premiere in Ok16!
GENESIS # or the origin of species 2 and 3 September! Start-20.00! In a cultural incubator Ok16-UL. Oktyabrskaya, 16 "Model" PREMIERE Plastic Theatre «InZhest» (Minsk, Belarus) 18 Plastic spectacle in the factory shop. Work in the development of spatial improvisation-site-specific performance-...
TRASH POEM – Premiere in Zamosc
43 Zamojskie Lato Teatralne – summer theatre festival in Zamość (Poland) June 16 21.30 Stare Miasto, Rynek Wielki The Physical Theatre “InZhest” (Minsk, Belarus) Premiere ! TRASH POEM «The…
The golden age-25 may in Minsk!
25 may at 20.00 St. Kazintsa str. 89 (sports College) Plastic Theatre "InZhest" Vyacheslav Inozemtseva represents advanced pantomime Baroque GOLDEN AGE Or the triumph of "Deus ex machina" story of beautiful love in the Golden Kingdom, evil Aliens and triumph of wisdom in the face of God from the machine.
(VI) open forum of plastic and experimental theatres of Belarus Minsk-2018 PlaStforma 13 February 19.00 RTBD (Kropotkin str., 44) «concrete», author and Director-Yevhen Kornjag 21.00 top (street of kuibyshev, 22) "from point a to point b "Setting.
Studio at InZhest Theatre Announces participants!
Studio at the plastic theater "Ingest" Vyacheslav Inozemtsev announces the traditional annual recruitment! We are waiting for everyone on November 1 at 19.00 at Minsk, st. Lander 6a (House of Culture "Integral") In the training program: - psychophysical training of a plastic actor "Dances of Animals" (original methodology from Vyacheslav Inozemtsev) - BUTOH dance ...
InZhest Theater – Golden Age in “Pearl of Renaissance”
Zamojskie Lato Teatralne – summer theatre festival in Zamość (Poland) presents –On July 2, 21.30, Stare Miasto, Rynek Wielki –The Physical Theatre “InZhest” (Minsk, Belarus) “Golden Age”or Triumph “Deus ex machina”(The Open Air Pantomime in Baroque style) “Golden Age” is the story of beautiful love…
"X"-Theatre Tradition InZhest for "Ghosts of Tacheles"
"X-Tradition-Pryvidy Tahelesa"-an impromptu performance of plastic Theatre "InZhest" 28 April, at 21.30 art space «Top» (street of kuibyshev, 22)"x-tradition" is not traditionally a fixed performance in principle, is a series of improvised performances, performed "Inzhest Theatre" in any "neteatral'nyh" places-Street, urban or landscape, factory shop, ...
The Physical Theatre InZhest- Access to the Body April 3 in DKZh
In the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers (Chkalov St., 7) –April 3 at 20.00 –Plastic Theatre "InZhest" Group "Plateau" by Matvey SaburovSergey Pukst & "Pukst Band" in the biographical phantasmagoria of Vyacheslav Inozemtsev "ACCESS TO THE BODY" Tickets at the box office of the DKZh tel. ( 375 17) 220-51-69Order tickets for – BIKECARD – BAKARD ticket office - underground...
PlaStforma Minsk-2017-Program performances
PlaStforma Minsk-2017-Program performances
REMONT – May 24 in DKZh
Theatre "InZhest" closes its 35th theatrical season !! MAY 24 at 20.00 - in the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers (Chkalov St., 7) - REPAIR folk plastic drama from the theater "InZhest"! Idea and direction - Vyacheslav Inozemtsev Music - Matvey Saburov, Ekaterina Averkova and the group "Plateau"...
PlaStforma Minsk-2016
IV Open Forum of Experimental Physical Theatres of Belarus “PlaStforma Minsk-2016” Performances program: February 15 (Mo) – DKZ (Chkalova str. 7) – 19.00 – The Physical Theatre “InZhest” (Minsk) – “DK Dance – Farewell ritual” – The last time in Minsk ! Opening Ceremony of…
Theater Inžest-35-th theatrical season! Show "... AFTER "20 November
35-th theatrical season! Plastic Theatre Vyacheslav Inozemtseva "InŽest" invites! 20 November at 8 p.m. in the Palace of culture of railway workers (St. Chkalova, 7) "... AFTER "(reality show for Theatre) music Author-Vitaliy artist video art-Matvey Saburov tickets DKŽ Tel. ( 375 17) 224-89-95 and Help advance ...
Theatre "InZhest" on the Forum THEATRE-2015 -
The play "ACCESS TO THE BODY" (biographical phantasmagoria) The premiere took place in Minsk on May 31, 2010.The play "ACCESS TO THE BODY" was created specifically for the celebration of the anniversary of Vyacheslav Inozemtsev - the creator and head of the theater "InZhest" - This is a play about performances that were played or never existed.
"Золотой Век"
Plastic Theatre "InŽest" or "golden age" of triumph "Deus ex machina" (pantomime in Baroque style) "the golden age" is a story about a beautiful love in the Golden Kingdom, evil Aliens and triumph of wisdom in the face of God from the machine-"Deus ex machina", make to the satisfaction of the public. More >>>