PlaStforma-2021 – TO THE BOTTOM OF BIRTH – August 31

Август А4

August 31 at 20.00 in the Minsk Palace of Culture of Railway Workers
Plastic Playhouse InJest continues to celebrate its 40th anniversary with a performance

"X-Tradition - TO DNU BIRTH"

Author, director and actor - Vyacheslav Inozemtsev

Actors – Dmitry Skachkov, Victoria Luksha, Natalia Shleiko, Oksana Cherepan, Olga Arnold, Nina Zorko, Gennady Tobin, Vladimir Parkhalin, Dmitry Zykun.

Tickets 25 BYN -
At the box office of the DCJ - t. 375 17 375-61-69
Pre-order by phone at 375297663023
And also - on bycard and 24afisha

The whole program of the festival Plastforma and tickets here

The number of tickets sold is limited due to the pandemic!


April 21, 2020 Plastic InZhest Theatre showed improvised performance "X-Tradition" in the Minsk Palace of Railway Workers, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the head of the theater – Vyacheslav Inozemtsev.
We don't usually give specific names to our improvisations – "X-traditions". But in this case, a good name was born. – “К ДНУ РОЖДЕНИЯ”

"X-Tradition" ("X-Tradition") –
a series of improvised performances of the Plastic Theater "InZhest" (since 1988)

Author of ideas and director – Vyacheslav Inozemtsev, with the participation of actors of the Plastic Theater "InZhest" (until 2001 – Theatre-Studio of pantomime "Gesture")

"X-Tradition" is not traditionally a fixed performance in principle, it is a series of improvised performances performed by the theater "InZhest" in any "non-theatrical" places - the street, urban or natural landscape, factory shop, swimming pool, water tower, barn doors, roof or wall of the house - everything can become an impulse for the birth of a special - spatial drama arising from the merger-confrontation of the actor's body and space. In world artistic practice, this direction is called site-specific performance.

Опыт такой работы театр «InZhest» (and before - "Gesture") has accumulated in various joint projects-performances with the theaters "Licedei" (Russia), "Die Raben" (Germany), "Warner & Consorten" (Netherlands), "Ten Pen Chii art labor" (Japan-Germany), "Globe Jinen" (Japan), "Su-En Butoh company" (Sweden) and others, as well as at many festivals in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia, etc.

Performances "X-Tradition" are created in the traditional for the theater "InZhesta" "X-traditional" creative manner - as a total, eclectic theater, using the techniques of pantomime and buffoonery, plastic improvisation and buto dance, methods of visual theater and spatial drama.

In the play "X-Tradition - TO DNU OF THE WORLD" Theatre "InJest" focuses on the conflict of TELA-TIME


Text – English –

Physical theater “InZhest” with their leader Slava Inozemcev will celebrate its 40th anniversary with the performance “X-Tradition – To the Bottom of Birthday”
April, 27, 20.00 in “Railway workers Palace of Culture” (Minsk, Belarus)

Theater “InZhest” – the oldest and so far, unfortunately, the ONLY ONE INDEPENDENT ART PROJECT IN BELARUS, WHICH IS MORE THAN 40 YEARS WORKING STEADILY AND SUCCESSFULLY in direction of Modern Mime Theater, the Physical Theater, and also – for the first time in Belarus ! – in direction of “Street Theater” (Outdoor Theater), “Spatial Dramaturgy” (Site Specific Performance), Butoh dance.
Created in Minsk in 1980 by students of the Institute of Culture under the leadership of Vyacheslav Inozemcev, until 2001 – Pantomime Theater-Studio “Zhest” (“Gesture”)
Participated in many festivals and international projects in Belarus, Russia and Europe.
The initiator and organizer of the festivals of physical theaters in Minsk (“Blazan” 1987-89, “X-Tradition” 2001-2002, “PlaStforma” 2013-2018).

“… “InZhest offers its own special vision of the crossroads of cultures, which, perhaps, is Belarus. Their theatrical influences are eclectic: from ancient Chinese philosophy and Japanese dance Butoh to comedy del’arte, Dada and Beckett’s theater of absurdity. However, they are doing something new. Unlike the rest of contemporary art in Belarus, InZhest is very persistent in its expression of darkness and offers something more. For them, the body is the center of concentration of pain, but also a source of hope…”

(Benjamin Cope, Professor of Cultural Studies, UK)

Performance “X-Tradition” is not a traditional fixed-performance in principle, a series of improvised performances, performed by theater “InZhest” in any not standard places – the street, the urban or natural landscape, factory shop, swimming pool, water tower, barn doors, roof or wall of the house – anything can become an impetus for a special birthday – the spatial drama arising from the merger-counter body of an actor and space.

In performance may be involved two dozen actors and musicians, and maybe – one person, preparation can take months or an hour, each version of the “X-Tradition” can be similar or totally unlike the previous one.

Common to all the “X-Tradition” is the use of “ex-traditional” techniques and aesthetics – mime and physical improvisation, carnival grotesque, Butoh dance.

Experience of such work theater “InZhest” (before 2001 – “Zhest”) has accumulated in various joint projects with theaters “Licedei” (Russia), «Die Raben» (Germany), «Warner & Consorten» (Netherlands), «Ten Pen Chii art labor» (Japan-Germany), «Globe Jinen» (Japan), «Su-En Butoh Company» (Sweden) and others, as well as at many festivals in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia and so on.

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