PlaStforma 2014

"PlaStforma Minsk-2014"

The second open forum plastic theatres of Belarus


Performances of the Forum:

The Palace of culture of railway workers (UL.chkalova, 7)

Performances begin at 7: 00 pm

11 February-

Plastic Theater "InZhest" (Minsk) –

"Repair" arose as a result of a series of international projects Theatre «InŽest», which include master classes with the actors of the Europe in the direction of "Site specific "Physical theatre" and the mime theatre "," dance "and final Butho performances under the common name "x-tradition" in Minsk and other cities of Europe.

Theatre "InŽest" traditionally performs in "neteatral′nyh" places-on the street urban or natural landscape, in factory shop, swimming pool, water tower using the barn door, roof or wall-all can be the impetus for birth Special-spatial drama arising from merger-opposition body actor and space.

Common to all "x-traditions" is the use of "ex-traditional techniques and aesthetics-plastic improvisation, Butoh dance grotesque carnival.

In his new work "neteatral′nym" makes the theater space itself. Viewer the Hall is in an inverted coordinate system, so we must be prepared to renounce the usual spectator comfort.

"REMONT" (repair)

(People's physical drama in 1 Act)

Idea and direction - Vyacheslav Inozemtsev

Music - Matvey Saburov and a group "Plato" Scenography - Vyacheslav Inozemtsev and theater “InZhest” Costumes - Svetlana Semashko Light - Alexej Karpov

In "REPAIR" take part-

Actors- Dmitri Skachkov, Veronica Oganisyan, Julia Zakružnaâ, Svitlana Bilousova, Victoria Lukša, Svetlana Kosenko, Daria Demura, Sergei Umpirovič, Mikhail Masko, Tatiana Surkov, Svetlana Gennady Semashko, Tobin, George Benko, Onl′ga Grebenyuk, Natalia Tretyakova, Piotr Lukasz, Sergei Rahubo. Disciples of the Studio at Theatre «InŽest»

Matvei Saburov, The Musicians Maksim Sirij, Anton Denisov

Light-Aleksey Karpov

12 февраля-

Experimental Theater "T(e)=Art" (Minsk) –

The first part of T (e) = Art was created in 2007 year. The main idea of the theater is raskrytie domestic capacities, are deep in the subconscious. Philosophy of plastic form per participant (e) T = Art a unique learning process through the inner experiences of the actor is missing model of image through inner peace, understanding, comprehension and translation the existence of the character.

PREMIERE! "The Inhabitants Of Death"

(plastic mystery)

What will remain after us on Earth, when we die, and a continuation of the life of us expected after the death of the physical body? What or whom we meet along the way? – all this you will find in the play "the inhabitants of death"

In the play are:

Marina Filipovic

Ksenia Makejčik

Elizabeth Carpenter

Maxim Volodin

Paul Ustilko

Alexey Ladutko

Daria Dudareva

Julia Tarverdyan

Tatyana Minich-Yarotskaya

Dmitry Alekseev

Pavel Kustov

Paul Abakumov

Vladimir Uskov

Adequate theater "vKube" (Minsk)-

Theatre "vKube" was founded by students of the Belarusian State University culture and the arts.

– In our productions, there is no plasticity in the generally accepted sense. We do not seek to choreography and circus art. We are studying the possibilities of their bodies, teaching them be obedient and unpredictable. Harmonious to the environment.

– In the choice of material, we do not have a literary reference. All themes, plots and images invent yourself, based on their own interests, to the relevance of the the issues on which we want to share.

We do not èpatiruem because it is fashionable. We upivaemsâ the sûrrealističnost′û the world, and teach it to you through the prism of our perception.

"We try to synthesize as many spheres of art as possible in our work. teetering between a dispute and the collusion. And so is born the truth.



Režisser-Veronica Hovhannisyan

the story of how a dying soul in the weary body. The people turned out, and had fired out their monstrosities. About sacrifices made in vain and futile trying to start from scratch.

Valid characters:

Zh1-Marina Thorik

F2-Violeta Nikitik

Zhz-Daria Končic

Zh4-Veronika Hovhannisyan

M-Maxim Ganisevskij

Help with musical accompaniment-Olga Dvoretskaya.

13 февраля-

Dance Theatre "Doodle" (Minsk)-

Dance Theatre "KARAKULI»-a group of dancers and performance artists experimenting in different directions of modern dance art.

«Attraction» limited liability company

What happens between a man and a woman is compared to the attraction, gde nobody never said no one knows and no one from which no is insured.

Osmain actors (Olga Labovkina and Alexander Fillipov) under the close supervision of two curious characters (Alexei Matyšev, Igor Šugaleev), which is not the angels, not that some higher power fate, in the press they affectionately dubbed "Stečen′icami external circumstances."

Art Director-Olga Labovkina.

YUefz Markocki (theater forms in Wrocław, Poland)-

"The Sun God"

Mono-spectacle Jozef Markockogo, actor, Director and creator of plastic Theatre «Teatr Shape Obesity "(Wroclaw, Poland)

Plastic performance "Sun God" was made on the basis of one of the jobs Antonena Arto "Elagabalus", as well as on the basis of the artist's personal experience of studying traditional cultures of the peoples of Siberia and ancient Slavic mythology.

Idea, direction and execution-Józef Markocki

Music-Sambor Dudzinski, Pavel Romanchuk

With the support of the Polish Institute in Minsk.

14 февраля-

Theatre laboratory Fortinbras "(Minsk)-

Theatrical laboratory Fortinbras in Belarus Free Theatre

Classes at the Studio are in different disciplines, including choreography

Over the past year, two plays were produced "Em D Em" and "Seagull" A.p. Chekhov

"The Seagull"- subjective hallucination of motion of bodies based on the plays of Chekhov.

Originated from the insolvency of the impossibility, of powerlessness, inadequacy and Reflection.

Director-Maria Sazonova.


Olga Voronkova

Ales Malahovskaâ

Andrey Urazov

Alex Čykanas

Yuriy Dalivelâ

Maria Sazonova

Sergey Kvačënok

Nastassja Shcherbak

Even small form-

Skvo's Danc Company (Minsk) –

The Second joint project "Dance Theatre" Skvo ’ s Dance Company "and Port Mone instrumental group ".

Choreography Olga Skvortsova


Skvo's Dance Company:

Olga Skvortsova

Olga Rabeckaâ

Anna Korzyuk

Violetta Šaldina

Catherine Gerasimenko

INaléria Khripach

The musical trio Port Mone:

Aleksey Vorsoba-accordion

WITHergej Kravchenko-percussion

Alexey Wangchuk-bass guitar

"I'm in the nth degree"

The Choreographer Anna Korzyuk

Artist: Olga Skvortsova, Anna Korzyuk

Diana Yurchenko's Theatre-Studio of Contemporary Choreography (Vitebsk) –


Choreography D. Yurchenko M. Kushnerova, Pusher

Dance-M. Kushnerova, Pusher

actor m. Klimchuk

Modern Dance Studio "Parallels" (Vitsebsk)-


Choreography and performance-Anastasia Makhova and Yevgeniy Tyševič

Contemporary dance group «Quadro» (Gomel)-

"Right, left, middle" (work in progress)

Idea: Inna Aslamova

Choreography: Inna Aslamova with dancers group

Artist: Yan Goncharova, Elena Zaytseva, Inna Aslamova, Vadim Mitki

Light: Alina Kozyreva

Text: replies to friends and acquaintances

Youth variety Theatre (moskovskaya str., 18A)

Performances start at 19.00 –

15 February-

«Laboratory Figures Oskar Schlemmer» (Mogilev) –

Oskar Schlemmer's Figures-Laboratory zasnavana in 2011 Taccânaj I Ûrkam Dzìvakovymì divorce. Pad h stvarènnâ vâdučuû control ìgrae, Prats labaratorny padyhod; èksperyment over formaj, zmestam (I) Pradstaŭlenne ' Mërtvyâ FALs žyvyâ fìgurkì "

Old adna Ësc′ dumka, âkaâ svedčyc′ that pradumac′? da Kanza all that we know AB čalavečyh pavodzìnah, Yana padaducca us only gul′nëû. Pradstaŭlenne ' Mërtvyâ FALs žyvyâ fìgurkì "prysvâčaecca majmu Askar Èpfel′baumu maternity pradzâdulì w Aŭstra-Vengryì (Vienna) and Jago nedapìsanaj p'ese-uspamìne, what so padobna on may life, he dzìcâčyâ gul′nì, tvae gìstoryì ...

Ìdèâ і ŭvasablenne: Tanya I Yurko Dzìvakovy

Vykananne: Alain Kryvanos і Yurko Dzìvakoŭ

Kampazìtar: Aliaksandr Dan′šova (Esen. Nâmeččyna)

The pradstaŭlennì gučyc′ kampzìcyâ Franz Petèra Schubert (Franz Peter Schubert) "Die Leiermann"

16 February-

Dance Theater "Gallery" (Grodno) –

Dance Theater Gallery-Chamber Opera Company of contemporary dance and performance, is part of a troupe of the Grodno regional drama theatre.

Using modern choreography, withovremennogo drama theatre and other performing arts, The Gallery strives to create their own, unique works filled with personal attitude.

Show "come and go" (based on the play by Samuel Beckett)

ABOUTsobennaâ blessed silence ... terminated Earth's vanity ... until the aboutbnaruživaetsâ that this is only a semblance.

Idea and choreography-Victoria Baltser

Music-Mozart, Boccherini

Artist: Irina Timoshenko, Eugene R., Victoria Baltser

WITHpektakl′ "two times two" (work in progress)

Twice two "is an attempt to" another "acting on the stage of existence, attempt to improvisation, freedom, and still something ... little internationally definition ...

Idea, direction and choreography: Oleksandr Tebenkov

Music: Tyrolean folk group "golden ring", contemporary composers

Artist: Vasil Minich, Sergey Savko

Wakrytie the second public forum plastic theatres of Belarus

"PlaStforma Minsk-2014"

In the framework of the Forum, 12-16 February, in the Studio of "Sky Line" (street of kuibyshev, 22) will be held

master-classes of Valentina Frost (Minsk), Ina Aslamovoj (Gomel), Olga Labovkinoj (Minsk), Jozef Markockogo (Wroclaw), Ryszard Kalinowski (Lublin)

With the support of the Polish Institute in Minsk.

Registration of those wishing to do so by phone –

8044-799 98 77 (Velcom) 766 30 23-8029 (MTS)

All the necessary information about the "PlaStforme-Minsk-2014" can be found at the following links:

The second open forum of plastic and experimental theatres of Belarus is carried out with the support of:
партнёры -ПлаSтформа Минск-2014-  Второго открытого форума пластических театров Беларуси

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