REMONT – May 24 in DKZh

A3 2016 РЕМОНТ итог-small


Theatre "InZhest" closes its 35-th theatrical season!

24 МАЯ в 20.00 – во Дворце культуры железнодорожников (ул. Чкалова, 7) –


people's physical theatre drama from theatre "InZhest"!

Idea and direction - Vyacheslav Inozemtsev
Music-Matthew Saburov, Ekaterina Averkova and the Group «PLATO»

Tickets are sold at the checkout DKŽ (Chkalov, 7)
Tel. 375 17 224 89 95
As well as-on BYCARD

Справки по телефонам –
37529 3,863,865 (VELCOM)
37529 7663023 (MTS)

Link to promo video:

From the press:

«The fantasmagoričeskoj dystopian "repair" Vyacheslav Foreigners drawn to the mental, the archetypical characteristics of Belarusians, placing them in a modern context. The spectacle created in widespread in Europe and yet we have little-known genre of site-specific, characterized by the search for unusual spatial effects, a close link with the architecture of the place and its "kind-hearted", use of non-traditional sites (museums, railway stations, factories, swimming pools, etc.). The audience in such a spectacle is deprived of passive role of the contemplator, and placed in the epicenter of events and becomes their party. "Repair" personally for me became the spectacle of the year "
Svetlana Ulanovskaâ, theatre and Ballet critic.

«…kožny èpìzod vyklìkae roznyâ asacyâtyŭnyâ suvâzì, most razlìčanyâ to ŭsprynâcce any aŭdytoryâj. ALE, zdaecca, was not in the čalaveka, for the zapavolena kago-mìstyčny "kalejdaskop" raptam not sklaŭsâ b rèal′nuû, and not mìfalagìzavanuû gìstoryû BC the people ...
… Fantazìâ pastanoŭščyka not mežaŭ, štoraz Yung may znahodzìc′ new padyhody, not paŭtaraecca in svaìh pryëmah, pakìdae vykanaŭcam magčymasc′ on ìmpravìzacyû, vykarystoŭvae lejtmatyvy, ALE âkìâ trymaûc′ kanstrukcyû I ârčèj vysvečvaûc′ ìdèì. Tama glâdzec′ not only is the performance of yak plastyčna zapavoleny razgort thinking, ALE I Jak taâmnìčuû dzeû, Jak plastyku bâskoncyh peraŭtvarènnâŭ. I not only glâdzec′, ALE I sluhac′! Bo ŭdzel′nìkamì stanovâcca Macvej Saburaŭ Iago I GURT "plateau", that nadae play asablìvae žyvoe dyhanne I stèrèaèfekty.
Glâdzec′ performance hočacca neadnojčy. Apošnìm w pakul′ prablematyčna Hacâ: because of the adsutnascì svajgo pamâškannâ, skladanascì the "scènagrafìì", ìntèrnacyânal′nascì praekta (from nekal′kìh akcëraŭ w udzel′nìčae IM Eŭropy that dalučylìsâ ¢ h majstar-klasaŭ). Tama festyval′ny pakaz byŭ usâgo drugìm na lìku, prèm'erny adbyŭsâ hacâ nekal′kì automatic mesâcaŭ Tama. Urèšce, Phra sìtuacyû gètuû "to" pìsala in no. 20 for the 2013 g. "
Nadzeya BUNCÈVÌČ "Gavoryc′" I pakazvae ... cìšynâ "
rèdaktar addzela newspaper "culture"

The performance "Remont" arose as a result of a series of international projects of the theatre "InZhest", which include master classes with actors from Europe and final performances under the name "X-Tradition".
Theatre "InZhest" traditionally performs in "non-theatrical" places-on the street, in the city or a natural landscape, in factory shop, swimming pool, water tower, using the barn door, roof or wall-all can be the catalyst for a birthday special-spatial drama arising from merger-opposition body and space.
Common to all "x-traditions" is the use of "X-traditional techniques and aesthetics - physical improvisation, Butoh dance grotesque carnival.
In his new work "neteatral′nym" makes the theatre space of the theater. The audience in the Hall will be upside-down coordinate system.

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