pantomime in the Baroque style - "Golden Age" of September 15, 2013

пантомима в стиле барокко "Золотой Век"

ATTENTION! Start at 20.00!

1-th Minsk Forum Street Theatre
Physical theater "InZhest" (Minsk)

15 September at 20.00!

at the Mikhailovsky Park Theatre will present the pantomime in the Baroque "golden age".

"The golden age" is the story of a great love in the Golden Kingdom, evil Aliens and triumph of wisdom in the person of God from the machine-"Deus ex machina", make to the satisfaction of the public.
Idea and direction - Vyacheslav Inozemtsev
In a play take part.

The actors of the theatre "InŽest": Dmitri Skachkov, Veronica Oganisyan, Julia Zakružnaâ, Mikhail
Umpirovič, Daria Demura, Olga Slabodčikova, Olga Grebenyuk, Daniel Vladimir Inozemtsev
Parhalin, Sergey Masko.
Sound-Svitlana Bilousova
Light-Gennady Tobin

Physical Theatre InZhest (Minsk), the oldest and so far, unfortunately, only in Belarus
the creative team over 30 years stably working in the direction of pantomime,
plastic (physical theatre), theatre, street theatre, site specific performance,
Butoh dance.

They has participated in many international projects and festivals in Belarus, Russia and Europe.
The initiator and organizer of physical theatres festivals in Minsk ("Blazan" 1987-89,
"X-tradition" 2001-2002 PlaStforma, 2013).

Viacheslav Inozemcev is director, actor and teacher in many international theatre proejcts, workshops
When the theatre «InŽest», conducts master classes (Russian) abroad by the original
методике «ТАНЦЫ ЗВЕРЕЙ», сочетающей психофизический тренинг, пантомиму, импровизацию,
Butoh dance.

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